Leadership and Church Management

The universal church has never lacked for competent preaching or teaching. However, a glaring weakness of most churches and ministries is their administrative management. In addition to quality management, the Body of Christ is demanding a higher level of integrity and creative vision from it’s leaders.

The Management track of Caleb Leadership Institute is designed to address the above concerns. The balance between character and competency, along with vision and relational compassion must be developed within an integrated methodology. Spiritual, Personal, and Relational Dynamics are emphasized throughout the program.

The journey begins with Spiritual Leadership and ends with Relational Leadership. The character attribute of trustworthiness must precede inter-personal relationships. This trust is built upon a mutual value system revealed in Scriptures. Character without competency only produces futility and frustration. Character and competency without vision creates stagnancy. Character, along with competency and vision, but without relational compassion, creates conflict. It is our conviction that an integrated balance of these proposed CORNERSTONES of LEADERSHIP will produce a new GENERATION of LEADERSHIP EXCELLENCE.

Module One:

Ethical Leadership

A challenge for leaders to make righteous character, prayerful communion, obedient conduct, and single-purposed commitment their most valued assets.

Module Two:

Leadership Style and Philosophy

No single style of leadership or philosophy is right. However, every leader is responsible for a defined vision and methodology, motivating others to “FOLLOW”

Module Three:

Development Leadership and Body Ministries

Leadership in this day and age demands a new perspective of relationships. We must prepare “tomorrow’s” leaders by mentoring “today”.
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